Why More Web-Based Browsers Should Institute Protection Against Cryptojacking?

By Sumedha Bose

Mozilla Firefox, the popular open-source browser has recently made the headlines by taking a bold step, which is being celebrated by the crypto industry. They have launched new protections against crypto mining malware in the new versions of their browser.

For those not aware, Cryptojacking can be defined as a malicious form of crypto mining, where the end user which has been affected by the malware does not realize that their device is being used to mine crypto. Kaspersky has already predicted crypto jacking as one of the worst forms of malware attack and it’s not that easy to detect.

The feature on the new version has been developed in collaboration with Disconnect, which is a privacy and security software firm based out of San Francisco.

This brings up the question regarding why more web-based browsers need to be encouraged to institue protections against cryptojacking. We had previously reported about a new report on data security, released by cybersecurity company Darktrace, which presented some very interesting observations on cyber attacks and crimes.

The statistics in the report revealed that cryptojacking attempts increased by 78 percent in 2018. It doesn’t however stop there. Allegedly the trend of cryptojacking is still going strong in 2019. Under such circumstances, people are advised to take precautionary measures. If more web-based browsers adopt similar measures to protect their users, hackers can be stopped.

This practice is becoming way too common and resulting in massive breaches of privacy. This needs to be brought to an end and is big corporations do not amp up their security, there is not much that regular people can do.  In-browser mining services such as Coinhive and CryptoLoot need to blocked by all the major web-based browsers.

All future versions of Firefox will block cryptojacking malware, as has been stated in a previous announcement by Mozilla Firefox. This is a great step towards ensuring greater security for those using these web-based browsers.

Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.

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