Indian State of West Bengal To Host Global Blockchain Conference

By Prashant Jha

Despite its well-publicized disdain for cryptocurrencies, India’s enthusiasm for blockchain technology is gaining new takers ever so often, proved by the announcement of a global blockchain conference to be held soon in the Indian state of West Bengal. The event is to take place in the state’s capital Kolkata on the 18th and 19th of this month. This interesting summit is to be hosted by the state government’s Information Technology and Electronics Department.

The panel of speakers who will addressing guests in attendance includes Brazil’s Blockchain Academy co-founder Rosine Kadamani, Belgian blockchain and cryptography specialist Bart Preneel and India’s own Sreeram Anathasayanam, who works with blockchain technology at the Indian office of consultant MNC PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

The event’s official website tells us that the event is being organised with the objective to develop a blockchain ecosystem that will benefit various industries in West Bengal. It reads:

“The aim of the event is to build a holistic ecosystem on Blockchain technology in West Bengal through knowledge sharing, workshops, awareness generation and providing a single platform for all stake holders – Industry, Academia, Startups, Corporates, Governments and Investors to understand, collaborate & explore the potential of Blockchain technology. The event will be hosting international acclaimed speakers on blockchain and 2000 enthusiast participants from Industry, Academia, Corporates, startups, Governments and Investors.”

The event is expecting to host nearly 2000 guests who come from a wide range of fields, as diverse as investment and academia. This diversity in the guest list reflects the diverse potential of blockchain technology, ranging from business benefits to use in charity.

This initiative is particularly significant in the context of West Bengal as it is a state that has often come under fire for not being conducive to new industries or innovative technology. Especially under the current state government, questions have frequently been raised about the authorities’ sincerity in attracting investors and industrialists. The decision to organize this event flies in the face of such criticisms and indicates a newfound energy in the government’s IT-oriented policies. Other Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra have organized such events before and now it’s the turn of West Bengal to step up.

Prashant Jha

As a content writer Prashant believes in presenting complex topics in simple laymen terms. He is a tech enthusiast and an avid reader.

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