How To Create Your First Bitcoin SV Wallet?

By Sumedha Bose

Bitcoin SV is a fairly new cryptocurrency that came about post the hard fork on November 15, 2018, of Bitcoin Cash. So for you to not know how to create your first Bitcoin SV wallet, is quite expected.

We can help you out if you indeed want to trade in Bitcoin SV, and are looking to create your first Bitcoin SV wallet for tha purpose.

The cryptocurrency is looking to support higher transaction volumes and more transaction fees for the miners, on the BCH blockchain.

It aims to help the miners attain greater profitability since the block reward keeps on halving every year.

You May Also Read: What Happened To The Bitcoin SV Network After The Hard-fork?

How To Create Your First Bitcoin SV Wallet: Step By Step Guide

Step 1

The first step is to visit

Guarda is the best wallet out there for Bitcoin SV and it is one of our top choices as well. This site will allow you to create your Bitcoin SV digital wallet.

Once you are on the site, you will see the option to create a new wallet.

Step 2

To secure your new wallet, you will need to set a password for your wallet. This password needs to be strong and unique so that your wallet is not easily breachable. You will see a disclaimer that reads:

“The password you enter encrypts your private key and gives access to your funds. Please store your password properly. Guarda does not keep nor able to restore it for security reasons.”

Once you have entered the new password, click on “Create New Wallet”. Note that there is no option to reset your password like is provided for our other accounts. So make sure to either remember it well or note it down somewhere.

Step 3

In the next step, you must download your backup file. This is the keystore file which is your recovery file. You should ideally store it someplace safe and make sure to keep a backup.

You will require the keystore file, along with your password, to access your wallet. Under no circumstances should you lose this file.

Step 4

In the next step, you will see your private key. This private key is very important so make sure you save it safely and create a backup somewhere.

There you have it, your wallet is now up and running. You can see the list of cryptocurrencies that your wallet supports on the left.

Guarda supports a lot of currencies like Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, Ethereum and many more.

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Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.

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