3718 View Jan 20, 2019 at 03:30

Where and How to Store Litecoins (LTC)?

Litecoin became the first-ever altcoin for Bitcoin, after the fork of the main Bitcoin Blockchain in October 2011. Litecoin(LTC) is same as that of Bitcoin and since the fork, it has maintained its status quo by being a regular in the top-5 crypto club.

So, you have decided to make an investment into the first altcoin or already bought a few of them. The first thing you need to do before or after making an investment into crypto is to find a wallet to store it.

This article would help you to know how and where you can store your Litecoin(LTC) safely.

Before selecting a wallet to hold and store your crypto riches, you need to keep a few things in mind to make the best choice.

  • The Wallet must have a great user interface for easy interaction and use.
  • The wallet must be compatible across various operating systems and devices.
  • The wallet must allow you to handle your private keys.
  • There should be an active community behind the service provider to make sure the wallet receives timely updates.
  • The wallet must provide a backup and restore option.

These points would help you to make a better decision while choosing a wallet to save your Litecoin riches. Now let us look at some of the top wallets which you can make use to store your LTC tokens.

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Top Wallets to Store Litecoin(LTC)

Ledger Nano S| Hardware Wallet:

Ledger Nano S can be seen as the Bitcoin of hardware wallets. It is one of the most popular choices for investors to keep their crypto assets safe.

The best thing about the Ledger is its safety features which not only help you to manage your private key and provide a seed code for recovering your crypto assets if you lose it for some reason. It also allows for offline support.

Another factor which makes Ledger this popular is its multi-currency support, that means you can use the hardware wallet for storing different types of cryptos. Here is the list of cryptos supported by Ledger wallet.

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
  2. Bitcoin Cash (BCC)
  3. Ethereum (ETH)
  4. Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  5. Litecoin (LTC)
  6. Dash (DASH)
  7. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  8. Zcash (ZEC)
  9. Ripple (XRP)
  10. Stratis (STRAT)
  11. Komodo (KMD)
  12. PoSW
  13. ARK
  14. Ubiq
  15. Expanse (EXP)
  16. PIVX
  17. Vertcoin
  18. Viacoin
  19. Stealthcoin (XST)
  20. NEO (Works with NEON Wallet and supports GAS too)
  21. Bitcoin Gold

Ledger Nano S provide the support for almost all the ERC-20 tokens, and you can manage all these cryptos from a single device.

You May Also Read: How to Make a Litecoin (LTC) Paper Wallet?

You May Find best LTC/BTC conversion rate at : Switchain

Trezor | Hardware Wallet

Trezor wallet has the distinction of being the first ever hardware wallet founded by a Czech-republic based SatoshiLabs. Trezor currently supports 6 cryptocurrencies including Litecoin(LTC).

  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Namecoin
  • Dogecoin
  • ZCash
  • DASH

The functionality is similar to that of Ledger, and provide the option to manage your private keys, and also provide a 2-digit seed recovery key in case you forget or lose your wallet.

Exodus| Desktop Wallet

Exodus is one of the most preferred desktop wallets available in the market for free. The reason for its success is attributed to a great user interface which makes it a walk in the park for users to manage their crypto assets.

Exodus does not compromise on security by providing you with a great, UI. Its security features are on-par with any form of a wallet and support one-click recovery option.

Another feature that makes it a crypto enthusiast favorite is its currency converter, which allows you to convert one crypto to another and then trade it as easily as you converted it.

Exodus Support more than 100 cryptocurrencies and have multiple exchange partners, making it one of the most suitable way of storing your Litecoin.

Litecoin Core | Desktop Wallet

It is the official desktop wallet also available on the Litecoin website, once you install the wallet on your system, your whole PC becomes the wallet and you can manage your private keys from the desktop itself.

Since it’s the official wallet and it is synced with the whole Litecoin Blockchain, it might take some time for setting it up..

The wallet is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Convert Bitcoin to Litecoin at Switchain

Jaxx | Mobile & Desktop Wallet

Jaxx is a very popular multi-currency supported Blockchain interface wallet. The wallet provides support for 13 cryptocurrencies including LTC, and also support the recovery with a 12-word backup seed.

The wallet boasts of a hardworking core team, which has given the wallet a great UI and various option of importing and exporting keys whenever required

The wallet supports shapeshift within the interface for converting one crypto to another, making it one of the better options to use for trading.

You May Also Read: Litecoin Blockchain


Litecoin just like Bitcoin has held its ground over the 8 year period and getting past various bearish trends. Not only that, but it has also maintained its position in the top-5 cryptocurrency throughout. This makes Litecoin one of the better option of investment.

In order to safeguard your LTC, you can choose any of the listed and discussed wallet from above, according to one’s need.

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Prashant Jha

As a content writer Prashant believes in presenting complex topics in simple laymen terms. He is a tech enthusiast and an avid reader.