3478 View Nov 24, 2018 at 06:59

Ripple Best Brand To Work for, 96% ‘Superb’ Ratings for Workplace Satisfaction

The workplace culture and employee satisfaction play a significant role in elevating a company to new heights. Ripple seems to have accomplished just the same with a 96% approval rating from the working staff.  The employees at Ripple take pride in the brand they are associated with while many brands in the crypto world are finding it hard to keep their employees intact.

In a survey conducted by Great Place To Work,  96% of the staff at Ripple believe their workplace is superb, and they are highly content with their work environment. The reason for such overwhelming resonance can be attributed to the open communication culture cultivated by the bosses.

The breakdown of the survey put many exciting facts to lights, which many other brands can take notice of and try to emulate the same in their respective workplace. 98% of the staff consider their work ‘wonderfully challenging’ and the 97% believe they would not mind going an extra mile to complete the job at hand.

Timely Payouts, Work Hour Flexibility and Regular Time off is the Secret of Employee Happiness

If you were surprised to see the approval ratings and thought,’another clickbait article’ guess you are not that happy with your workplace. The secret of such high-approval ratings is the timely payouts and regular time off, two of the most important aspect from an employee’s point of view. Ripple has understood that the way to climb up the ladders of the corporate world, your employees must be content with the workplace.

As per a report published by Bitcoin exchange, 95% of Ripple employes think their salary is satisfactory while 96% says they can get work-off whenever they are in need. Another report suggested that Ripple does not force unnecessary restrictions on the staff and anyone can get ‘unlimited leave,’ be it for a vacation or Sick leave and the best part, they get paid on holiday with no questions asked. Some other benefits as an employee of Ripple include.

  • Flexible Work hours
  • Mandatory 80 days maternity leave for new mothers.
  • 60-day paternity leave for new fathers.
  • Full health coverage to all the employees and part-times.
  • 65% health coverage to dependents of the employee.

Looking at all the amenities available to the Ripple employees, no one was surprised when it featured in the list of Linkedin’s Top Startups 2018. The company uses metrics such as employee growth, jobseeker interest, and how well the startups pulled talent from LinkedIn’s top companies list.

Prashant Jha

As a content writer Prashant believes in presenting complex topics in simple laymen terms. He is a tech enthusiast and an avid reader.