820 View Jun 20, 2018 at 13:18

First Blockchain Accelerator to be Opened in Europe

According to a report in Finance Magnates on 18th June 2018, in its bid to make Paris the “Capital of ICO” France has hosted Europe’s first Blockchain accelerator. The motto behind the chain accelerator is to mentor international Blockchain startups. The Chain accelerator is a joint scheme involving approx thirty cryptocurrency and finance entities. It is based in Paris’ Station F, proclaiming itself as “the largest” start-up campus in the world.

Some of the prominent names in the list of participants of the Blockchain are Diana Biggs (HSBC’s digital innovation head), and Aurelien Menant (CEO of Gatecoin). The surprise participant is Leonard Schrank (CEO of Swift), one of the legacy finance parties.

This move has come in the backdrop of French authorities increasing friendliness towards innovations related to cryptocurrency. In the month of March, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire asserted that France “should not miss out on the Blockchain revolution.”

Nicolas Cantu, Co-founder of Chain Accelerator, was quoted by multiple sources saying that “At a time when the President and the Government want to make Paris the capital of the ICOs, Chain Accelerator is positioning itself as a key player.”

Endorsing the comments of Le Maire, Pierre Person, member of Paris national assembly, said that “In France, as everywhere in the world, Blockchain projects face many uncertainties and complexities, whether financial, legal, or technical. Yet, this technology will revolutionize our daily lives.”

Pierre Person further added that, “It is essential today to have both a legislative framework enabling its full development and structures enabling the emergence of such projects. Our country must become a leader in the Blockchain.”

Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.