2296 View Mar 18, 2019 at 15:52

Colorado Lawmakers Show Interest In Blockchain Technology In Agriculture

The use of blockchain in agriculture is for the greater good of the sector, that we have already established. It can definitely make the agricultural industry a more safe and fair place. It seems that lawmakers in the U.S. State of Colorado have also recognized the potential contribution of blockchain to agriculture.

On Friday, a bipartisan house bill numbered 1247 was jointly filed by four representatives and senators from the state of Colorado. The bill proposed that the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture should put together an advisory group with the agenda of researching into the potential applications for blockchain technology in the field of agricultural.

The bill also proposes that this advisory group would then report back their findings to the general assembly and would also provide recommendations for any legislation by Jan. 15, 2020.

Blockchain has a plethora of applications when it comes to agricultural operations. It can help ensure food safety by verifying the clean journey of produce from the field to the market shelves, make the process of land registration more convenient and leave little room for dispute.

Read More: How Blockchain industry can revolutionize the Agricultural Supply Chain

Additionally, it can help with controlling inventory and monitoring in-field conditions such as weather and soil quality. A blockchain could also prove to be of significant importance because of immutable nature. It could store records for production and transportation equipment, data related to orders and prices, and many other information without the possibility of anyone tampering with the data.

One of the main use case of blockchain today is its use in supply chain management. Products like coffee, meat, groceries,and more are now being verified with the use of blockchain technology. It is interesting to see the widespread adoption of blockchain technology across various sectors, in different parts of the world. We hope that this bill encourages more countries to look into blockchain adoption in agriculture, especially the ones whose economy depends on agriculture.


Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.