2969 View Apr 17, 2019 at 22:34

Can Crypto Help Finance The Rebuilding Of Notre Dame?

The world watched in shocking disbelief and heartbreak as 900 year old history burnt before their eyes. The fire at Notre Dame was one of the most devastating news for people all across the world.

The Catholic Church that is a symbol of rich heritage, art and incredible architecture was ravaged by a massive fire on the 15th of April. While we still do not know what caused the fire, it was a terrible sight to witness for everyone watching.

As of now, we know that the roof and spire of the building is completely destroyed, however the main structure somehow survived the fire. A brilliant initiative was taken by French crypto journalist Grégory Raymond, just hours after the fire.


Raymond wanted to take this opportunity to display how Bitcoin can help out in times of such social distress. The  French bitcoin association Le Cercle du Coin (“Coin Circle”) also tweeted in support of Raymond’s efforts.

A multi-party wallet was set up by Le Cercle du Coin, Grégory Raymond, and blockchain developer David Prinçay on a website called Notre Dame Des Cryptos. They started this drive to raise funds for the restoration of the building.

What is disappointing to see however, is that this fundraising drive has not made much money yet. As of this writing, the wallet has received about 0.193 BTC, or a little over $1,000. This is highly disturbing because a similar bitcoin fundraiser for Julian Assange’s legal defense has managed to receive 422 transactions, which cummulatively amount to $43,600.

The news of two French billionaires having already pledged a combined 300 million euros (or $339 million) to rebuild Notre Dame, could also be a potential reason why the Bitcoin donations are not forthcoming. Similarly more such donations have been forthcoming from both national and international well-wishers.

We however cannot deny that a successful crypto drive would go a long way in demonstrating the value of the digital currency.

Sumedha Bose

Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.